Aubry, John Francis

About John Francis Aubry
Unfortunately, due to the passage of time and loss of institutional memory, we no longer have sufficient information about Mr. Aubry. If you have more information on Mr. Aubry, please contact Meg Smolinski ( at the University of Maryland Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.
About the Red Oak
The tree dedicated to John Francis Aubry is located just south of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. It is a red oak (Quercus rubra), a medium-sized, deciduous tree. It is easy and moderately fast to grow and reaches 50-75 feet tall.1 This specific red oak is 13.5 feet tall, has a foliage spread of 6.6 feet and a trunk diameter of 3.4 inches. The tree has a wide-spreading, irregular crown with lustrous dark green leaves (red-brown in autumn) that have toothed lobes, sharply-pointed tips and a gray-white bottom side. The red oak fruits in the form of acorns that mature in early fall but may not be present until the tree turns 40 years old. The tree has insignificant flowers that appear in spring in separate male and female catkins (a flowering spiky mass).1
Written by Joanna Barton