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Dedicated Trees

Many trees have been donated to our Arboretum in recognition of a person, organization, or event. Click on the image below to learn more about these dedicated trees. If you are interested in contributing to our campus collection, please Email Us and include your name, contact information, and the reason for the dedication so that we may add the information to this page in the future.


The tree dedicated to John Francis Aubry is located just south of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. It is a red oak (Quercus rubra), a medium-sized, deciduous tree.

Bur Oak donation

The Lot 4b Football Tailgate Crew dedicated a tree to Dereck Jamal Barnes at the football game against Purdue University on October 8, 2022. Dereck, 57, of Oakton, VA, formerly of Fayetteville, passed away on Thursday, June 02, 2022 in Texas.

Stanford Berman's Tree

A sweetbay magnolia on campus is dedicated to Stanford Berman, a patent lawyer and University of Maryland alumnus and benefactor.

Bowler's Tree

An American holly is dedicated to Charles “Charlie” Bowler, the former Manager of Facilities Drawing & Infrastructure in the Department of Facilities Planning.

Brewer Tree

A beech tree is dedicated to Frank Brewer, a currently retired employee of the University of Maryland that served as the Associate Vice President of Facilities Management and as Interim Vice President of Administrative Affairs.

Star Magnolia

A star magnolia is dedicated to Johnny Sivert Brungot, an undergraduate student of Fire Protection Engineering (FPE) at UMD and member of the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity.

Campus Arboretum Dedicated Tree

A 'Valley Forge' American elm is dedicated to the Opening Ceremony of the UMD Campus Arboretum.

Charya's Tree

An eastern redbud tree is dedicated to Jayanth "JJ" Charya, a University of Maryland student that unexpectedly passed away due to complications from a stroke on March 5, 2003.

Class of 1996 Tree Again

The tree contributed by the Class of 1996 can be found in the Garden of Reflection and Remembrance. It is a Forest Pansy Redbud.

Class of 1997 Redbud

The tree contributed by the Class of 1997 can be found in the Garden of Reflection and Remembrance, just a few feet from the redbud donated by the Class of 1996. It is also Forest Pansy redbud.

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