Edward St. John Patio Green Roof
The Edward St. John Patio Green Roof is the first intensive green roof on campus. It is also the first green roof that is physically accessible to the public (although access is currently restricted). Along with the extensive roof at ESJ, the two roofs are the first visually accessible green roofs on campus. The distinction between "extensive" and "intensive" is that an extensive roof has a soil profile that is less than 6", where an intensive roof has a depth greater than 6". In the case of the patio roof, that depth is approx. 12". This allows for a more diverse plant selection. So we see nodding onion, aromatic aster, goldenrod and native honeysuckle, as opposed to the predominantly sedum roof that make up most extensive green roofs. This more diverse plant selection allows for a range of flowers that are inviting to pollinators.
ESJ Patio Green Roof