Institute of Applied Agriculture Class of 2014
About the Institute of Applied Agriculture Class of 2014

The graduating class of 2014 from the Institute of Applied Agriculture donated a golden delicious apple tree to contribute to the campus’ green space. The Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA) is an academic certificate program within the University of Maryland’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.1 The IAA has a focus on hands-on agricultural education to better prepare students for careers in managing and leading agriculture enterprises. Due to the IAA’s connection to IAA alumni and industry personnel, students within the IAA are able to have access to networking jobs and opportunities. The IAA program includes three key concentrations, including Agricultural Business Management and Leadership, Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Management, and Turfgrass and Golf Course Management.2
About the Golden Delicious Apple Tree
The tree honoring the IAA Class of 2014 is located between Jull Hall and the Atlantic Building. The tree is a Golden Delicious Apple Tree, or Malus domestica ‘Yellow Delicious’, a fruit tree grown mainly for its edible fruit. This tree can be found growing in hardiness zones 5 through 8. The Malus domestica ‘Yellow Delicious’, as a standard variety, can grow to a height of 20-25’ with a spread of 25’. It grows in an oval, spreading shape. Mid-season, the tree will bloom white to pinkish flowers, and within 6-10 years, will bear fruit from September to October. The fruit that this tree produces is a large, cone-shaped, golden apple. The apple itself is sweet and crisp, and is perfect for eating fresh.3