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Pizzuto, Marc F.

About Marc F. Pizzuto

Marc F. Pizzuto was a student at the University of Maryland, as well as a student employee of UMD’s Career Center from 1991-1992. Pizzuto was chosen for this competitive internship to work directly with undergraduate students in their career-decision making process. He assisted his peers with drop-in conversations about careers and choosing a major, researching majors and industries, and researching graduate/professional schools.

Marc F. Pizzuto’s untimely passing affected many of those whose lives he touched. The planting of this tree and his plaque provides a reminder to all how one student can make a difference to others.

About the cherry tree

This hybrid cherry of unknown Japanese origin was first noticed in Tokyo about 1872 and is now one of the favorite cultivated cherry trees of Japan and the US alike. We have nearly 200 Prunusyedoensis on campus. It is distinguished by a round topped crown and is a wide spreading tree that reaches 30 to 50 feet at maturity. The flowers are white, single in clusters of 2 to 5, and almond-scented.    

Marc's Tree


Pizzuto Plaque
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